Professional learning communities

Professional learning communities

This webinar explores recent research into the role of professional learning communities (PLCs) in ECE. Sue Cherrington, Kate Thornton, and Rachel Denee discuss the role of both within-centre and network PLCs, and how they can support and promote collaboration and teacher professional learning. They also talk about the features of effective PLCs and how to establish and sustain PLCs in ECE settings.

To help you navigate the webinar easily, there is a list of the key topics covered in the session below, including the time each was discussed. The key ideas discussed in this webinar are also shared in a short insight article.

Topics discussed in this webinar

Times shown in minutes and seconds from the start of the video

3.09What is a PLC?
6.28How do PLCs differ from other ways in which teachers work together?
11.18What are networked PLCs and what benefits do they have?
16.37Leadership in a PLC
21.37Frequency, duration and focus of PLC meetings
24.00Using PLCs to support teaching and evaluation processes
30.00Inquiry and data collection
34.58Peer observation and feedback
39.34PLCs across sectors
41.02PLCs for positional leaders
42.26Facilitating a PLC
45.07Final comments and tips to get started

Questions for exploring the key ideas from this webinar

What goals could a PLC help you to address to improve teaching and learning for all children in your setting?

What opportunities are there for professional dialogue and reflection in your setting?

What aspects of your current teaching practice would you be interested and comfortable to have observed by a colleague and receive constructive feedback about?

What small steps could you take to begin to create the work culture needed for effective PLC work?

Who could you draw on to support you in facilitating the initial formation of a PLC?

Further reading

Our set of guides on PLCs here and here.

Thornton, K. & Cherrington, S. (2019). Professional learning communities in early childhood education: A vehicle for professional growth. Professional Development in Education, 45(3), 418-432. 

Cherrington, S.  & Thornton, K. (2015). The nature of professional learning communities in New Zealand early childhood education: an exploratory study, Professional Development in Education, 41(2), 310-328.

Thornton, K. & Cherrington, C. (2014). Leadership in professional learning communities. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 39(3), 94-102. 

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