Bullying and aggression in early childhood education

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Bullying and aggression in early childhood education

HomeEarly childhood education resourcesBullying in early childhood educationBullying and aggression in early childhood education

What does bullying look like in early childhood education? What is the difference between bullying and aggression? This webinar explores how bullying develops in early childhood and how to spot it, activities and strategies to prevent bullying from occurring, and effective ways to address bullying when there is a need for intervention.

Led by University of Canterbury researcher Dr Cara Swit, a specialist in child behaviour and the social cognitive development of young children.

To help you navigate the webinar easily, there is a list of the key topics covered in the session below, including the time each was discussed. The key ideas discussed in this webinar are also shared in a short insight article.

Topics discussed in this webinar

Times shown in minutes and seconds from the start of the video

1.06What is bullying? Four criteria for identifying bullying
4.24The difference between aggression and bullying.
8.48Roles involved in bullying behaviour
11.30How teachers can spot bullying
15.55How to determine when hurtful behaviour is intentional
19.17Children’s leadership and links to bullying
23.03 Influences that work to create bullying behaviours
27.22 Preventative measures
30.23How to respond to aggressive behaviours
32.37 Issues of blame and scapegoating
34.36Social exclusion
37.13Body image-related bullying
39.26Supporting victims of bullying
41.55Supporting children with SEN who are bullied
43.20Concluding comments and take-home messages

Questions for exploring the key ideas from this webinar

Does everyone in your team understand the meaning of the term bullying?

Do some kinds of bullying behaviours go unnoticed in your setting, or are some given more attention than others?

What strategies and activities do you have for promoting cooperative play between children?

What conversations do you and your teaching team need to have about defining, preventing and intervening in bullying and aggression?

Further reading

Check out Cara’s general guide to understanding bullying here, and a guide specific to early childhood education on aggression and bullying here.

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