Appreciative inquiry for effective team-building

HomeEarly childhood education resourcesBuilding effective teamsAppreciative inquiry for effective team-building

Appreciative inquiry for effective team-building

HomeEarly childhood education resourcesBuilding effective teamsAppreciative inquiry for effective team-building

Dr Chris Jenkin (AUT) discusses the benefits and growth that come from approaching team-building from an Appreciative Inquiry perspective. The discussion includes how this approach can be used to engage with and resolve challenging issues as well as to create action plans and strengthen team dynamics. 

To help you navigate the webinar easily, there is a list of the key topics covered in the session below, including the time each was discussed. The key ideas discussed in this webinar are also shared in a short insight article. 

Topics discussed in this webinar 

Times shown in minutes and seconds from the start of the video 

2.36 What is Appreciative Inquiry? 
3.45 Contexts and uses for Appreciative Inquiry 
8.20 Strengthening teams with Appreciative Inquiry 
10.02 The role of leadership in Appreciative Inquiry 
11.45 How to get started with Appreciative Inquiry 
13.15Appreciative Inquiry vs action research 
15.48 Using Appreciative Inquiry for Professional Development and growth 
17.38 Unpacking the values of team members 
19.00 Motivating team members 
23.15 Celebrating strengths 
25.45 Formulating a question for inquiry 
27.05 Size of group  
28.15 Difficulties with teamwork  
32.35Difficulties with conflicting values  
36.36 Reviewing philosophy with Appreciative Inquiry 
35.07Difficulties with resistance

Questions for exploring the key ideas from this webinar 

How familiar are you with the strengths and values of your colleagues in your teaching team? 

How might you show appreciation of each other’s strengths and talents in your daily practices? 

In what ways might you use Appreciative Inquiry for key processes in your early childhood setting? How might Appreciative Inquiry transform staff meetings, for example? 

What areas of practice might you consider as a focus for Appreciative Inquiry? 

Further reading 

Hammond, S. (1998). The thin book of appreciative inquiry (2nd ed.). Thin Book Publishing Company. 

Jenkin, C. (2020). Appreciative inquiry mentoring to implement the early childhood bicultural curriculum. In M. Gasper & R. Walker (Eds.) Mentoring and coaching in early childhood education (pp. 115-124). Bloomsbury Academic.  

McNamee, S. (2003). Appreciative evaluation within a conflicted educational context. New Directions for Evaluation, 100(Winter), 23-40. 

Whitney, D., & Trosten-Bloom, A. (2003). The power of appreciative inquiry: A practical guide to positive change. Barrett-Koehler Publishing Inc. Oaks: Sage Publications Inc.    

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