School Resources

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An introduction to the role of Artificial Intelligence in classrooms and schools

A guide to the latest developments in artificial intelligence and what they mean for teaching and learning.

Strategies for supporting students with FASD

A set of approaches and strategies for promoting the wellbeing and achievement of students with FASD at school.

Engaging and effective teaching and learning in secondary school mathematics and statistics

An introduction to effective and inspiring approaches to teaching mathematics and statistics at secondary school level.

Teaching spelling in primary and intermediate schools

Key principles and strategies for teaching spelling across all levels of primary school.

Effective vocabulary instruction

The importance of vocabulary knowledge and how to teach it in literacy programmes and across the curriculum.

Visual Arts infographic

How children use visual arts and how teachers can help.

The neurodiversity paradigm

How can you adopt a strengths-based approach to help neurodiverse students succeed in your classroom?

Creativity infographic

Creativity in education and how teachers can support it

Bullying infographic

Key principles for preventing and responding to bullying

Principles of assessment infographic

High-quality assessment and how it supports learning

Mātauranga Māori in education

This webinar explores questions related to mātauranga Māori in education.

Visual arts – a practical workshop

Dr Gai Lindsay provides a practical session focused on supporting teachers with their own art-making as well as their pedagogy around the visual arts in early childhood education.

Māori achieving success as Māori

Janelle Riki-Waaka explores what Māori achieving success as Māori means from a Māori worldview, and how teachers and schools can consider how well their...

Understanding ADHD

Thursday July 20 Dr Dione Healey (University of Otago) shares insights from her extensive research into ADHD, much of which is concerned with supporting...

Supporting Pasifika students through dialogic approaches

June 13, 2023 Watch Dr Jacinta Oldehaver (University of Auckland) discuss her research into how utilising dialogic pedagogical approaches can positively support the engagement and...

"I found this section really informative – the case studies make it really easy to see how to take the next step... into the classroom"

Helen J, Year 5 teacher


A short introduction to executive function

The key things you need to know about what executive function is and how to support it in children.

A brief introduction to social emotional learning

A brief introduction to what social emotional learning is and why it's important

A brief introduction to memory

A brief introduction to how memory works and its importance to teaching and learning

Beliefs, behaviours and actions associated with a growth mindset

An introduction to the research on the importance of mindsets, and associated beliefs, behaviours and actions

The concept of self-efficacy – animated

What is self-efficacy, why is it importan,t and how can teachers support their students’ self efficacy?
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