Gifted and talented

HomeSchool resourcesGifted and talented

Gifted and talented

HomeSchool resourcesGifted and talented

Topic summary

Research reviews

Twice-exceptional students

Understanding twice-exceptional students and how to support them in the classroom.

An introduction to gifted and talented education

An overview of the different definitions and understandings of giftedness, along with a set of strategies that schools and teachers can use to better support gifted and talented students.


Gifted education

Justine Munro and Madelaine Armstrong-Willcocks explore what is important and what works in gifted education and share insights from their work with the New Zealand Centre for Gifted Education


Gifted and talented education infographic

Discover strategies for schools and teachers to help support gifted and talented students


Supporting gifted students in schools 

Key insights from our webinar with Justine and Madelaine from the New Zealand Centre for Gifted Education.
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