Trauma-aware and trauma-informed practice in schools

HomeSchool resourcesTrauma informed practiceTrauma-aware and trauma-informed practice in schools

Trauma-aware and trauma-informed practice in schools

HomeSchool resourcesTrauma informed practiceTrauma-aware and trauma-informed practice in schools

This webinar provides details about trauma-informed practice at primary and secondary school level, including the key principles, strategies, and common barriers and solutions for schools when implementing trauma-informed practice.

Dr Emily Berger (Monash University, Australia) and Dr Karen Martin (University of Tasmania, Australia) share their extensive research knowledge and practical expertise, providing teachers and school leaders with the knowledge and practical ideas and approaches for supporting students who have experienced trauma. This webinar accompanies a set of trauma-informed resources the speakers developed for The Education Hub.

To help you navigate the webinar easily, there is a list of the key topics covered in the session below, including the time each was discussed. The key ideas discussed in this webinar are also shared in a short insight article.

Topics discussed in this webinar

Times shown in minutes and seconds from the start of the video

2.53What is trauma?
5.19Potential signs of trauma in children and young people
9.34What is trauma-informed practice?
13:00What to do if a student discloses that they have experienced a traumatic event or experience
16.43What to do if a teacher suspects a student has experienced trauma
17.44Being aware of vicarious trauma and ensuring that teachers also seek support when dealing with student trauma
21.11Digging deeper into the strategies that sit under the heading of trauma-informed practice
26.21Taking a non-punitive and preventative approach to supporting students who are emotionally disregulated and disruptive
32.40The importance of a whole-school approach to trauma-informed practice
40.21Working with parents and families
44.01Working with individual students and their families
46.58Including students in a trauma-informed approach by talking to the class about students’ different needs and ways of communicating
51.54Closing thoughts

Useful readings and resources

Berger, E., & Martin, K. (2021). School trauma-informed practice policy. In K-A. Allen, A. Reupert, & L. Oades (Eds), Building Better Schools with Evidence-based Policy. London: Routledge.

Berger et al. (2022). A systematic review of evidence-based wellbeing initiatives for schoolteachers and early childhood educators. Educational Psychology Review.

The Thoughtful Schools Program.

Guidelines on reporting around trauma and abuse in New Zealand can be found here and here.

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