School Resources

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Latest reviews, opinion, news and more

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Using dialogic approaches to deepen and extend students’ thinking and learning

Key insights from our webinar with Jacinta Olderhaver exploring dialogic approaches to teaching and learning.

Playing with knowledge: towards a broader conceptualisation of play in New Zealand schools

How can play support and enhance academic subjects and promote the types of deeper learning we want to develop in our schools?


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Remembering the work of Richard Elmore

Remembering the contribution of Professor Richard Elmore to education, research and policy.


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"The Hub articles have been really useful and provided conversations for staff meetings and provocations for teachers. Thank you – great work and food for thought."

Intermediate school teacher, Auckland

Webinar summaries

Professional Learning Communities: Teachers collaborating for professional learning and improvement

Key insights from our webinar with Sue Cherrington, Kate Thornton, and Rachel Denee on the role of PLCs in teacher professional learning.

Book reviews

Research summaries

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