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A brief introduction to self-efficacy

The beliefs a person has about their own capabilities has a substantial impact on their achievement.

Strategies for promoting self-efficacy in students

How teachers can design learning opportunities that strengthen students’ efficacy and the impact that this has on studnets' learning and achievement.

Strategies for developing and maintaining self-efficacy in teachers

Teachers with high sense of efficacy create mastery experiences for their students whereas teachers with low instructional self-efficacy undermine students’ cognitive development as well as students’ judgements of their own capabilities.

Trust survey for students

The following survey can help teachers determine students’ perceptions of their teacher’s ability to teach them and their confidence in their own ability to learn.

Teacher efficacy scale

Using Gibson and Dembo’s Teacher Efficacy Scale, how would you currently rank your teacher efficacy in the following areas of teaching and learning – low, average, or...

Understanding your students’ socio-emotional learning

Tuesday April 47.30PM (NZST) Watch Dr Heidi Leeson (Monocle Education) discuss social-emotional learning (SEL) and share her latest research on the most impactful areas of...

"Your work is valuable and education is lucky to have your insight, knowledge and courage to try something new. I have found the research that you put up on the Education Hub page very interesting. It is generating a lot of discussion and thought in our staffroom."

Suzanne, Year 3-4 teacher


The concept of self-efficacy – animated

What is self-efficacy, why is it importan,t and how can teachers support their students’ self efficacy?
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