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How to develop high expectation teaching

Why high expectations teaching is so important, and how to introduce the key strategies of high expectations teaching into your practice.

7 goal setting strategies for high expectations teaching

How to set high expectation goals for your students.

5 practices for creating a classroom climate that promotes high expectations

How to create a classroom culture that supports achievement through high expectations.

Four approaches to grouping that promote high expectations teaching

Approaches to grouping that avoid perpetuating low expectations through ability grouping

High expectations self assessment checklist

A checklist for teachers to use when evaluating their high expectations practice.

Key differences between high and low expectation teachers

A summary of the key differences between high and low expectations in practice.

What your teaching practices say about your expectations

A brief insight into what certain teaching practices reveal about your expectations and beliefs about student learning.

High Expectation Teaching infographic

The key features of high expectations teaching at a glance.

High expectations teaching animation

The key features of high expectation teaching at a glance

"Your work is valuable and education is lucky to have your insight, knowledge and courage to try something new. I have found the research that you put up on The Education Hub very interesting. It is generating a lot of discussion and thought in our staffroom."

Suzanne, Year 3-4 teacher


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