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Browse Insight articles by subject

Beyond “what works” pedagogy; In defence of the scholarly lecture

The role the lecture can play in supporting new thinking in education

How well are New Zealand’s neurodivergent young people served by our education system?

Why The Education Hub is undertaking a report on how well the system supports neurodivergent students.

What is the place of the key competencies in New Zealand’s curriculum?

Why key competencies need to be integrated with content knowledge

Knowledge, the curriculum, and reading; Why we need to do things differently in New Zealand

Why building children's general knowledge is essential to reading outcomes

What comes first, changing beliefs or changing practice?

Exploring how to achieve lasting change in practice that results in improved outcomes for students.

Some initial thinking on National’s ‘return to basics’ education policy announcement

An attempt to unpack, with some degree of nuance, some thoughts on National's curriculum policy

What concerns me most about the education system in New Zealand

Why increasing polarisation, and the growing inability of many people involved in education to listen to, or constructively engage competing ideas or approaches is problematic.

Does it really need to be like this?

Issues with how we support children with additional learning needs.

Living the science of learning research

When research actually plays out in practice

Some considerations around the science of learning

Why a broad engagement with the science of learning is important

"The Hub articles have been really useful and provided conversations for staff meetings and provocations for teachers. Thank you – great work and food for thought."

Intermediate school teacher, Auckland
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