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Learning from lockdown – the voices of parents of Māori and Pasifika students

Authors of the report School-led learning at home: The voices of parents of Maori and Pasifika students will discuss the value of parent voice and some of the key findings of their recent research

Approaching online learning in primary schools

Learn how one primary school has structured their online and distance learning, including their approach to pedagogy, the curriculum, and wellbeing, as well as their daily schedule and use of technology

Supporting the wellbeing of teachers, students and parents

Clinical psychologist and Parentland co-founder Dr Natalie Flynn discussed the research behind the importance of supporting wellbeing right now, as well as practical strategies to support mental health.

Student motivation and engagement when learning from home

Harry Fletcher-Wood discusses the research on motivation and engagement as well as practical techniques teachers and school leaders can use to increase student engagement.



Learning from Lockdown

The Education Hub’s exclusive research uncovers the experiences of teachers, students and parents while learning at home during school closures.

"The teaching community relies on The Education Hub for reliable, evidence-based information – thanks so much for everything you're doing at this time of unprecedented change!"

Jenny, principal
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